Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Okay, so a little about me to get this thing started... I always like to tell people up front that I'm completely honest... No one believes me, of course, because a statement like that must be a lie in itself, right? Well, it's not to get people to trust me or anything like that. From my experience it actually has the opposite effect, which is just fine with me... I tell this to people because it's a warning.

If you come to me telling me that your man is beating you, but you don't want to leave him because you love him and he's a good daddy to your kids, I will tell you exactly how stupid you are. If you want to hear the unabashed truth about yourself and your actions, feel free to tell me whatever you want to... I will give input. I'm not the one to come to when you want to be told only what you want to hear... If you want someone to coddle you, you're at the wrong place.

Now, my point for this blog is to get some things off my chest... While I'm always honest, I don't always speak. Sometimes biting your tongue is better for everyone around you. Yes, I can be extremely blunt, but I do try not to be cruel. It's a fine line I walk daily. I wanted a place where I could write about these things and maybe help everyone to realize what they actually sound like, but without calling anyone out...

If you find your story on this page, don't tell anyone! I will not leave anything in the story that will identify you, so if you tell people or comment about it, YOU are telling people it's about you! And don't bother getting your panties in a wad, because it won't phase me.

Please, use this page as a guide on what NOT to do...